A short comedy film created for the 48hr filmfestival. Directed by Janne Schmidt with actors Jacqueline Blom, Bram Suijker, Tobias Nierop and Britte Lacher. The film got 9 nominations and won 7 of them! The film cannot be seen online yet but there is a private link available on request.
This short comedy is part of the 48hr Film challenge. Creating a film in 48hrs is always a fun challenge. But when you genre is ‘animal film’ things start to get complicated…
Director Janne Schmidt and screenwriter Paul Bontebal did a wonderful job and created the weird idea that there might be a place in the world for a telephone line catering for people with sexual needs in the animal kingdom. With actors Jacqueline Blom, Bram Suijker, Tobias Nierop and Britte Lacher.
Working with a extensive package of lights and camera equipment is not going to help you when you have limiteds amount of time. A camera, some prime lenses and 4 lights with a few modifiers was all we used. And last but not least the talented Stijn Jonkhart as gaffer and Pepijn Klijs as colorist.